NEEDHAM YOUTH - Healthy in Mind, body, and Spirit
healthy in mind, body and spirit

SPAN is a coalition of volunteers in Needham, MA, dedicated to youth substance use prevention.
SPAN stands for Substance Prevention Alliance of Needham.
We incorporate a collaborative, community-based, and data-driven prevention approach to reduce alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use among Needham youth.
Through community education, partnership, and strategic action, we will decrease the risk factors indicated in substance use and increase the protective factors known to support youth in making healthy and safe choices.
Join us and learn about the Massachusetts Social Host Law and what your rights and responsibilities are as a parent of children under 21. Leave here with tools and strategies for talking with your child including managing your child’s expectations and practical skills to navigate underage drinking. Register today!
Parents & Caregivers of 5th-8th graders - Join us for a 3-part series that will prepare you and connect you with other parents. You can register here: bit.ly/40a0ae2.
Join us for a presentation of the 2024 SPAN Parent Survey data by Dr. Scott Formica, PhD, of Social Science Research & Evaluation, Inc. followed by a community discussion.
Join us on Saturday, October 26, for Drug Take Back Day! Taking place at the Needham Police Station on 88 Chestnut Street from 10AM to 2PM ET.
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.
Please join us on Wednesday, October 23, from 6:30 – 8:00 pm for the SPAN Fall Meeting. We look forward to sharing the 2023 Metro West Adolescent Health Survey data followed by a community discussion. Your voice matters and we hope you can join us as we review the data and gather input from the community. Registration link in the bio! https://buff.ly/3XtjFek.
The Nicotine Free Generation is a community policy option that would phase out the sale of nicotine products to future generations of young people. The Needham Board of Health is accepting input from the community at a public hearing during their September 5 meeting. There are several options for expressing support on this topic, via letters of support or speaking at the September 5 hearing.
Follow us on Facebook! @SPANNeedham